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Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Theatre in the season of rain

This is a shot of the street we are living on - la Tercera - and every afternoon around 2pm we get vicious rain. We flew within spitting distance of the Equator for Vancouver weather. Actually , the rains have caused numerous landslides this year, and the city is quite chaotic because of it.
so. It's the day of our show. I arrive with a some help from Heather Braaten, Carlos Gonzalez-Vio, and Chris Stanton - we had a couple of hours in the room last night to rig our projection screen, run some cables, and set up a camera or two.
This morning we start getting out a few other items: I pull out our projector and our playback gear, while Heather and the boys prep the space. We rip a big mirror off the wall by the mens' washroom to give our rear projector enough throw distance. This will force us to re-block about four scenes, but we have no choice at this point.
By 9am we are in pretty good shape to set up wings, sound, and lights, but Jaime, our house tech / the man who fixes everything in the building, doesn't arrive until 10:30am and then has to solve some electricity issues in the theatre - namely, that there is none in most parts of it. No problem - it gives me time to hang our front projector, and the cast trickles in to begin warming up.
We were hoping to start tech-ing the show around noon, but Jaime is in and out of the booth because every 20 minutes someone yells into the room "Jaime!!" and he gives his stock response, "Dime!" ('talk to me'), and then gets sucked back out that thing that happens outside of the theatre - life.
We do manage to stumble through the show, tweaking - that's a kind word - completely reblocking chunks of the show as needed. When there is no choice but to launch in and make brave choices, that's what you do.
And I believe it paid off. But that's another story.

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