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Wednesday, November 24, 2004


building for Native Earth at Buddies

building for Native Earth at Buddies
Originally uploaded by trevorsc.

Last week this activity ate my life. It was a monster show with no time to put it all together. I am a little shocked that it actually happened, more or less on schedule, despite the unforeseen violence to the budget it caused. I'm not prepared to do that sort of thing again.

So, today a different thing: a meeting for a show I'm actually designing. So far it's a blast, though I'm a bit behind because of how last week's gig consumed me. Need to reconnect to the script, work out some details of building, etc. But the slate is almost clear of other gigs, so I've got a chance to focus on it in a way I haven't had in a while.

Doubts: mostly about theatre in general, vs. particulars.

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